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Walsall - Publication Stage Consultation

TP Editorial Team

Walsall Council is currently consulting on the publication version of three of their development documents until 3rd May 2016: the Walsall Site Allocations Document, the Walsall Town Centre Area Action Plan and the Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule. Subject to approval by the Council, the Publication Draft Plans, which are the final versions of the plans, will be submitted for examination by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State. While the Site Allocation Document shows the sites within the whole borough that are proposed to be allocated for homes, employment or other land uses, also including protected areas such as Green Belt sites, the Town Centre Area Action Plan shows the allocated sites specifically located within the town centre. In addition, the Council is also consulting on the Draft Charging Schedule of the Community Infrastructure Levy which will enable funds to be received from new development and re-invested into the Borough’s infrastructure such as open space, health, education and transport.

All documents are available to view and download on the Council’s website. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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