Apartment Scheme Approved by Birmingham’s Planning Committee
The Tyler Parkes team has successfully obtained planning permission for our client Romford Land for a new residential development containing 13 apartments at Baldwins Lane in Hall Green, Birmingham.
The redevelopment of the brownfield site comprised the demolition of the existing building which was last occupied by Baldwins Lane Veterinary Surgery with the upper floors forming three privately let flats. The veterinary business has subsequently relocated and the buildings have remained vacant since.
The layout would comprise two principal buildings. To the front of the site, facing onto Baldwins Lane and maintaining the stepped building line following the curvature of the highway, would be a three storey apartment building containing nine apartments. The apartments would predominantly have two-bedrooms but there will also be a single one-bedroom unit. All the units would either have a balcony or patio area that would form a private amenity space, but the occupiers will also benefit from substantial grounds set with mature trees.
The proposal is a direct result of cooperation with the Local Planning Authority to reach an attractive design prior to the submission of the planning application which was designed by ArchiWildish architects. Subsequently the planning officer recommended approval, however, due to objections from local residents, the application was referred to Birmingham City Council Planning Committee. Glenda Parkes, Director at Tyler Parkes addressed the queries raised during the committee and subsequently it was confirmed that there would be no issue with the proximity to neighbouring properties and planning permission was granted.