Permission for Two New Dwellings in South Littleton
The Tyler Parkes team is delighted to have obtained planning permission for the redevelopment of a site currently occupied by a single dwelling with a detached garage and the replacement on the site by two road frontage detached dwellings with integral garages and off road car parking on Shinehill Lane in South Littleton in the Local Authority area of Wychavon District Council. The dwellings have been sited and designed to protect the privacy of their new occupants as well as the amenities of residents within surrounding properties. The design is in keeping with the character of nearby properties and would sit well within the street scene. The proposal fully accords with national and local planning policy – it represents the redevelopment of a predominantly brownfield site, the majority of which lies within the settlement boundary. The site is surrounded by residential development and the proposal constitutes infill development in a sustainable location within easy access of services and facilities. This windfall development will make a contribution towards the housing needs of Wychavon. The proposal was subject to pre-application discussions and the approved application has responded to the points raised at that stage. Planning permission was granted under delegated powers.