Permission for 9 New Dwellings in Rugby
The Tyler Parkes team has successfully negotiated planning permission for the erection of 9 dwellings on land off Alfred Green Close in Rugby.
The proposal consists of a mixture of terrace and semi-detached dwellings each comprising three bedrooms and all dwellings would have a private amenity space and off-street parking for two vehicles. The development would introduce a new vehicular access into the site from the south. It is also proposed to extend Alfred Green Close into the development along the existing car park access with the provision of a turning head to enable all vehicles to exit the site in a forward gear.
The successful scheme was designed by architects Lloyd Thomas.
The proposed layout and design of the proposal is a continuation of the established grain and would, therefore, not appear out of character. The separation distances and orientation of the proposed dwellings has taken careful note of the need to respect and take account of existing properties and the current standards of amenity. It is located in a sustainable location, close to public transport and shopping facilities and amenities.
The proposal was considered at the Rugby Council Planning Committee on 28 September due to the request by local Councillors and Tyler Parkes Planning Director, Glenda Parkes, spoke in support of the scheme. The Committee approved the application subject to conditions.