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Dudley Consults on Revised CIL Regulation 123 List

TP Editorial Team

Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council is currently consulting on its Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulation 123 List for a 6 week period until 9th December 2016. CIL was implemented in Dudley in October 2015 and the initial Regulation 123 List was approved one month earlier in September 2015. The List sets out specific projects which may be considered for monies collected through CIL.

Dudley’s existing List is now 12 months old and the review will ensure that the types of infrastructure and specific projects listed remain current and identify up to date funding gaps. The draft revised List has been informed by the latest identified infrastructure requirements.

The CIL mechanism helps to secure financial contributions from developers on certain developments to part fund infrastructure required to support growth and regeneration within the Borough. As part of the implementation Local Authorities are required to have a Regulation 123 List which sets out specific costed projects within the Borough potentially candidates to be part funded by the Levy.

The document out for consultation can be viewed on the Council’s website. If you have any questions about the consultation please do not hesitate to contact us.


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