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Appeal allowed for backland development in Burbage

TP Editorial Team

The Tyler Parkes team is pleased to have won an appeal for four new detached dwellings with garages and associated access on Burbage Road in Burbage, Hinckley on behalf of our client Dash Homes (Midlands) Ltd.

The backland development is located within the settlement boundary of Burbage in a very sustainable location, surrounded by existing residential properties and currently forms the rear-most sections of long gardens of properties along Burbage Road. The scheme, which was designed by architects Planning2Detail, proposes four detached dwellings which will be of a generally similar design and appearance to those in the local area.

The Council Planning Officer’s report had confirmed that the proposal would not be overly prominent in the location and that any harm to the character of the area would be limited and recommended approval for the scheme. However, the application was refused at the Hinckley and Bosworth Planning Committee who considered that it would adversely impact upon the amenities of occupiers of adjoining property.

Subsequently, we lodged an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate which was supported by an additional noise survey that confirmed that there would be no impact on the immediate neighbours. The Inspector agreed with this view. Consequently, the appeal was allowed and planning permission granted


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