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Consultation on Bordesley Park Area Action Plan

TP Editorial Team

Birmingham City Council are currently consulting on the Pre-Submission Draft of the Bordesley Park Area Action Plan (APP) until 2nd May 2017. The AAP is proposed to be the catalyst for the transformation of the area, including parts of Washwood Heath, Bordesley Green, Bordesley Village and Small Heath, over the next 14 years, to 2031.

This strategic plan will drive forward the regeneration of the area around Bordesley Park to the immediate east of the City Centre. It is proposed to bring forward major development opportunities which will contribute to the city’s growth and also for residents and businesses of the area. The regeneration of Bordesley Park is proposed to provide great opportunities and complement proposals for long term transformational change. Growth within the area is also associated with HS2, growth at UK central and the proposed airport expansion.

The AAP identifies proposals for significant change in five locations including Alum Rock Road, Adderley Park, The Wheels Site & Environs, Cherrywood Road and Coventry Road as well as other opportunities to provide local improvements and development within the area. The Pre-Submission document is the final version of the AAP which will be submitted, together with any representations made, to the Secretary of State for examination prior to adoption.

Representations to the AAP can be submitted to the Council until 2nd May 2017. If you require any further information regarding the document or would like us to submit representations on your behalf, please do not hesitate to contact us


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