Four bungalows approved in Stratford’s Green Belt

The Tyler Parkes Team is pleased to have obtained planning permission for the demolition of existing commercial buildings and the construction of four detached bungalows at the Nursery Garden and Aquatics Centre known as Henley Water Gardens which is located on Whitley Hill, outside of Henley-in-Arden.
The site is located in the open countryside, within the Green Belt and adjacent to other residential properties approx. 1km from the town centre of Henley in Arden. The application proposes the demolition of all structures on the site and replacement with 4no. 3-bedroom bungalows, similar to the existing size and scale of buildings on site. All bungalows will be brick with tiled roof with large private gardens to the rear. Car parking will be provided close to the dwellings and a communal courtyard will create a sense of place.
The Council considered that the proposal would have no greater impact on the openness on the Green Belt and agreed that the principle of residential development on the site would be accepted. Due to the previous business use on the site we needed to provide detailed information to prove that the site would not be viable for the current business use or any proposed future business uses to satisfy the Council. Subsequently, planning permission was granted