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Planning permission for log cabins at Hotel in Stratford’s Green Belt

TP Editorial Team

The Tyler Parkes team is delighted to have been instrumental in obtaining planning permission on behalf of Mr Paul Hopwood, owner and proprietor of Nuthurst Grange Country House Hotel, for 8 guest log cabins in the Hotel’s woodland. Council officers had originally recommended refusal of the planning application on Green Belt and tree impact grounds.

The proposed small scale development of 8 high quality wooden cabins in a woodland setting in the hotel’s grounds will be complementary to its existing, more traditional hotel accommodation. This more ‘quirky’ accommodation is increasingly what guests are looking for and is particularly suitable for people with young families.

Directors Glenda Parkes and Gail Collins addressed Stratford on Avon District Council’s Planning Committee on two occasions to speak in favour of the proposal, arguing that it is encouraged by the Council’s Core Strategy that provides support for purpose built visitor accommodation and the growth and improvement of existing businesses in order to benefit the local economy. The Committee were also advised that the proposal will create 10 full time jobs to deal with this increased business and will have a positive knock on effect for other local suppliers and businesses by contributing to increased local visitor expenditure. The Committee agreed that the proposal met all the requirements of sustainable development – social, economic and environmental – in accordance with the Council’s Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework and were happy to support this exciting new development


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