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Appeal won for 6 new dwellings in Welford

TP Editorial Team

Tyler Parkes is pleased to have won an appeal and obtained planning permission on behalf of Kendrick Homes for the demolition of an existing bungalow, and a residential development for 6 new dwellings within the village of Welford near Stratford upon Avon.

The Council had refused permission on the grounds that the proposal conflicted with their Core Strategy in that it exceeded the cumulative approximate number of dwellings (700) which should be provided for villages such as this, thus resulting in an ‘unsustainable’ development; that it would be out of character with the area, harming the landscape and the adjacent Conservation Area; and that it would harm the amenities of a neighbouring dwelling. They also cited the absence of a Section 106 Agreement for contributions towards affordable housing and open space, which the appellant was happy to deliver.

Tyler Parkes argued that the quoted ‘limit’ of 700 dwellings was indeed only an approximation, not a specific limit, and that with the various services and facilities within the settlement, the proposal could not possibly be considered to be ‘unsustainable’. The Inspector agreed, noting also that Welford had been identified for some growth in the Council’s Core Strategy, accepted that the proposal would represent sustainable development and that there was no clear conflict with the relevant policies.

Tyler Parkes had also recommended a minor revision to the plans to address the Council’s concern about the neighbours’ amenities and the Inspector agreed that the amended plan overcame the Council’s objection and was acceptable.

Accordingly, planning permission was granted, much to the delight of the appellant and Tyler Parkes.


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