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Ability to apply for ‘Permission in Principle’ now in place

TP Editorial Team

From 1 June 2018, it has been possible to apply to local planning authorities for ‘permission in principle’ (PiP) for ‘minor developments’ provided that the main purpose is for housing development. PiP can also be secured if sites have been included in ‘Part 2’ of a Local Authority’s Brownfield Land Register. The ‘minor developments’ PiP route would exclude applications for major development, habitats development, householder development and EIA development.

Both routes for PiP will need to be followed by an application for ‘Technical Details Consent’ (TDC) which must be determined within 3 years of obtaining PiP. A TDC will generally be subject to a standard time limit of three years. The standard determination period for PiP is 5 weeks or a longer period if agreed with the Local Authority.

The aim of sites proposed for development via PiP is to offer greater certainty as to the development potential of land which meets the criteria. It should provide a quicker and more cost-efficient way for those taking a chance on smaller development sites to establish whether it is suitable for residential development, or not.


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