Coventry City Council consults on Supplementary Planning Documents
Coventry City Council is currently consulting on a number of proposed supplementary planning documents (SPD) until 21st September 2018. This follows the adoption of the City’s Local Plan in December 2017.
The documents, which will provide support and additional technical details, will assist in the assessment of future planning applications and proposals.
The SPDs currently out for consultation are:
Health Impact Assessment SPD (guidance on how impact of new development on health and well-being can be assessed)
Coventry Connected SPD (guidance on how the impact on the local highway network can be assessed and how benefits of public transport can be maximised)
SUE Urban Design Guidance SPD (guidance on the proposed development at the planned sustainable urban extensions at Eastern Green and Keresley)
Hot Food Takeaway SPD (guidance on how applications for hot food takeaways will be assessed)
Trees and Development Guidance SPD (guidance on how trees can be protected during the development process)
Air Quality SPD (guidance on how matters of air quality will be considered as part of the planning process)
The detailed documents can be viewed on the Council’s website. If you have any specific questions about the SPD’s or a scheme that might be impacted by the draft documents, please do not hesitate to contact us, we would be happy to assist.