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TP Editorial Team

Development Brief on 'Land East of Kenilworth' out for consultation

Warwick District Council is currently consulting on its draft ‘Development Brief for Land East of Kenilworth’ until 14th January 2019. Once comments have been received and reviewed, the document will be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document.

The development brief provides guidance on a sustainable urban extension to the eastern side of Kenilworth on around 100 hectares of land allocated for residential development (an estimated 1,400 dwellings), employment (8 hectares for B1 and B2 uses) and education uses. Further supporting infrastructure is required to meet the needs of the new community and minimise the impact of the new development.

The draft document can be found on the Council’s website If you have any land interests in the area or would like to know more about the draft SPD, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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