Approval for Green Belt Infill housing
Tyler Parkes is delighted to have secured full planning permission for a development of 8 new open market homes on behalf of our Clients, Kendrick Homes Ltd.
The application site consists of a 0.36 hectare piece of land located within the Green Belt in the immediate proximity of, but outside, the adopted settlement boundary of Romsley, in Bromsgrove District Council’s area.
As well as its Green Belt status, the site had no previous housing allocation but despite this Tyler Parkes successfully presented the case that the site reads as an integral part of the Village and the proposed sustainable development amounted to limited infilling in line with Paragraph 145 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
Furthermore, in the absence of a 5 year housing land supply the Council was unable to rely upon their adopted planning policies relating to housing provision. Council Planning Officers accepted the case made, culminating in a favourable recommendation to the Council’s Planning Committee which accepted the recommendation and approved planning permission, subject to conditions, on 1st July 2019.