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Wyre Forest Local Plan Review Update

John Baggott

Wyre Forest District Council is set to agree the latest version of its Local Plan for consultation during September and October, subject to Cabinet approval on 16th July 2019.

The council wants to ensure that anyone interested in the Plan has the opportunity to comment on the proposals, but is keen to stress that if you commented previously you do not need to respond again unless you wish to change or add to previous comments.

As a result of previous responses received through the last public consultation, updated technical evidence has been prepared including transport modelling evidence; viability reports; and, further details regarding Infrastructure Delivery have been prepared.

No changes are proposed to sites allocated for new residential or employment purposes apart from the removal of land off Yew Tree Walk in Stourport (known as Patrick’s Field) and the recognition that Blakedown Rail Station offers an opportunity, as a transport hub, to accommodate additional car parking to support the role of the station and some limited residential development to enable that.

It is anticipated that the public consultation will take place between 2nd September and 14th October 2019. If you have land interests in Wyre Forest District, please do contact us for more information.


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