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House in the Green Belt Wins Approval

Alan Tyler

We have designed and secured planning permission for a new 5,000ft² house in one of Solihull’s premier locations, Lovelace Avenue. There had been numerous applications over the years for new plots along the avenue, almost all of which have been refused, including on this site. Lovelace Avenue is in the Green Belt and outside Solihull’s development boundary.

We had recently secured planning permission for very large extensions to the property, as our client did not consider there was any chance of getting permission for a new house to the side of their own. However, there has recently been a change in interpretation of Solihull’s infill plot policy, and a related High Court ruling, the combination of which opened the door for a fresh application.

We persuaded our client this was an opportunity they should take, which they did. Officers at Solihull were supportive of the proposal for a new house to the side of the existing dwelling and planning permission was granted by the Council’s Planning Committee, despite numerous objections from the site’s neighbours.

Needless to say our client was delighted to receive permission. This is clearly a demonstration of the need for continuous monitoring of planning case law and national and local planning policies, which are frequently subject to review and change.


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