Royal Leamington Spa Neighbourhood Development Plan Consultation
Royal Leamington Spa Town Council has formally submitted the Royal Leamington Spa Neighbourhood Development Plan (RLSNDP) to Warwick District Council. It is now subject to a period of public consultation between 06 January 2020 and 17 February 2020 after which copies of all representations received will be forwarded for consideration by an independent examiner, who will review the submitted RLSNDP.
If the plan is found to be legally compliant and in accordance with the ‘basic conditions’ it will be the subject of a local referendum prior to being ‘made’ (adopted). The Inspector may recommend modifications to the plan prior to the referendum.
This is the last opportunity to influence policies in the RLSNDP.
If you have any land or property interests within the boundary of the RLSNDP area it is important that the consultation document is assessed and representations submitted if appropriate to protect and or promote your interests. This is, of course, something Tyler-Parkes would be happy to assist with if required.