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Birmingham consults on new Development Management policies

TP Editorial Team

Birmingham City Council has begun a 6 week public consultation on the Development Management in Birmingham (DMB) DPD – Publication version.

The DMB provides 16 detailed non-strategic detailed policies to help determine planning applications and development decisions across the whole City, supporting the strategic policies in the Birmingham Development Plan (BDP), which was adopted in 2017. Once adopted the DMB will form part of Birmingham’s Local Plan and will replace the saved 2005 Birmingham Unitary Development Plan policies. It will be key to the Council’s consideration of planning applications for relevant development.

The DMB policies cover themes to reflect the key issues covered by the BDP, ranging from Environment and Sustainability, Economy and Network of Centres, Homes and Neighbourhoods and Connectivity. It reflects national policy and guidance, providing detail and clarification on matters such as air quality (DH7), light and noise pollution (DM5, DM6), standards for residential development (DM10), Houses in Multiple Occupation (DM11), highway safety and access (DM14) and parking (DM15).

The Council is inviting comments as part of a formal consultation, which will be taken into account and help shape the next stage in the preparation of then DPD. The consultation closes on Friday 21st February 2020.

To view the consultation document on the Council’s website, click here:

If you would like us to review the document on your behalf, please do get in touch with our Policy Team.


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