Forging Ahead
Planning permission has been secured for the conversion and alteration of a blacksmith's forge to a 2-bedroom dwelling and relocation of the forge to an existing outbuilding in the Green Belt.
The proposals entail modest interventions to the forge building comprising the installation of dormer windows in the front and rear roof slopes, together with the retention of existing door and window openings. An existing mobile home would also be removed from the site to provide an area of private amenity space to serve the proposed dwelling. Farriering activities would continue to be run from an existing out-building that would be adapted accordingly.
Despite objections from local residents, Tyler Parkes was able to demonstrate that the proposal would be an appropriate form of development in the Green Belt through the re-use of existing buildings enabled by modest interventions that would not have an unacceptable impact on the character and appearance of the site or surrounding area and would preserve Green Belt openness. Moreover, there would be betterment through the removal of the existing mobile home, and it would provide an acceptable living environment for the applicant without detriment to neighbouring residents’ amenities. Despite its location outside of a settlement boundary, it was also shown that the site has suitable access to a range of existing services and facilities having regard to journey times.
The application was supported by a bat survey report by Focus Environmental Consultants and the architectural design, and all planning consultancy was undertaken by Tyler Parkes.
Author Alan Coleman
