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Good Design Wins Out

TP Editorial Team

We have just obtained reserved matters approval on behalf of our client Grevayne Properties Limited for three individually designed properties within the village of Lighthorne, Warwickshire.

Outline planning permission had been granted in March 2018 for three open market dwellings, with matters relating to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping reserved. Tyler Parkes was successful in obtaining an amendment in March 2020 to relocate the access and amend the visibility splay.

The reserved matters scheme, designed by bhb architects, comprised three properties, with varied detailing and materials to reflect the more traditional properties within the village and particularly the Conservation Area and Conservation Area Review.

Initial concerns were raised by the local authority as to the scale and layout of the scheme as well as selected materials; however, we worked in consultation with the case officer and the scheme was amended resulting in a linear arrangement. The project team, having put forward a clear and concise justification as to the selection of materials, the case officer concluded that the scheme was acceptable.

Notwithstanding these amendments and the sympathetic design, the Parish Council maintained their objections, the scheme not meeting their expectations in respect of affordability, scale or use of materials, thereby requiring the application to be determined by the Planning Committee.

Tyler Parkes put forward a robust defence on these points, presented the application to the Stratford on Avon District Council Planning Committee, who unanimously voted in favour of the scheme. Reserved Matters approval was granted 6 January 2021.



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