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Hot off the press - National Planning Policy Changes

John Baggott

A revision to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was issued by the Government on 20th July 2021. The NPPF sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these should be applied.

Whilst the revisions made do not constitute wholesale changes by any means, there are still some headline changes, amongst others, which take effect immediately. The most noteworthy are summarised as follows:

  • Greater emphasis upon design quality as set out under the revised paragraphs of section 12 of the NPPF, with a drive towards fostering “well-designed, beautiful and safe places”. This includes, amongst other things, a requirement for local planning authorities to produce local design guides.

  • Further considerations with regard to managing Flood Risk and the effects of climate change, including the introduction of “Flood Risk Vulnerability Classification” in the new Annex 3 to the NPPF.

  • The introduction of a new paragraph focusing on the importance of incorporating trees within new development, including tree-lined streets, and the contribution they can make to the quality of urban environments, as well as helping mitigate and adapt to climate change.

  • The introduction of a new paragraph with regard to proposals to remove historic statues, plaques and monuments, whether they are listed or not.

  • The introduction of new limits with regard the use of Article 4 Directions by local planning authorities to restrict or remove permitted development rights.

  • Encouraging the faster delivery of public service infrastructure such as further education colleges, hospitals and prisons through positive and proactive engagement between local planning authorities and interested parties.

  • Changes to the previous paragraphs relating to the Housing Delivery Test.

Additions have also been made to the definitions found within Annex 2: Glossary.

For more information, contact our Planning Team on 0121 744 5511.



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