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Lichfield District Local Plan Reaches an Advanced Stage of Preparation

TP Editorial Team

Starting on 5 July, Lichfield District Council published the final draft version (Regulation 19) of their local plan for consultation. This is the final opportunity for anyone to make representations on the plan.

Any comments made during the consultation will be forwarded for consideration by a Government appointed Planning Inspector.

If you have any interests that might be affected by the new local plan, Tyler Parkes would be happy to advise you of the best way forward. Representations MUST be submitted by 1700 on 30 August 2021 if they are to influence the process so, you can help us to help you by contacting us as soon as possible - see CONTACT for details.

Tyler Parkes will keep up to date on progress of the Lichfield Local Plan – keep an eye on our website for details.



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