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Listed Building Consent – Cheers!

Gail Collins

We have received consent for our client’s Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust’s (MPFT) property in the town centre of Burton on Trent. The property, 56 High Street, is notable as it was formerly the home of the head brewer of Bass’s Brewery – the house lies within easy walk to work of the brewery (now owned by Molson Coors) on the opposite side of the High Street. The former house is Grade II listed and also within a conservation area.


The MPFT provide physical and mental health, learning disability and adult social care services across Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Tent and Shropshire, providing a vast range of community services for adults and children and specialised services such as rheumatology and rehabilitation, which are delivered in venues ranging from centres such as at no. 56 High Street (which also includes Trust offices), GP practices, community hospitals and people’s own homes.


We made the application to East Staffordshire Council for internal and external alterations to the building. We confirmed that the proposed works will ensure that the listed building continues in its existing viable use, whilst also contributing to the economic vitality of Burton by bringing staff and clients into the town centre. The works mean that this community use has a more sustainable future in the building.


We worked closely with the Council to ensure that any details of the works were provided before the determination of the application to avoid any pre-commencement conditions which could have delayed works, to ensure that the Trust can get on with delivering their vital services in the community.



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