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Landmark Appeal Success – Tyler Parkes Secures Approval for Self-Build Homes in Solihull Green Belt

Seb Kouyoumjian

We are incredibly pleased to secure a significant planning appeal win for five self-build houses at Netherwood Lane, Chadwick End, Solihull. Both the planning and design were carried out by Tyler Parkes. The original application was refusal by Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, but this was overturned at appeal with the Inspector concluding that 'very special circumstances' (a technical term that allows the overriding of certain planning policies) justified development of a site within the Green Belt.

A Landmark Decision for Self-Build Housing in Solihull

The proposal, which provides much-needed self-build plots, was initially refused. However, through a robust approach, and evidence-based arguments (including other appeal decisions), we put forward the case that:

  • The site, while forming part of the Green Belt, falls within the definition of Grey Belt, meaning it makes only a limited contribution to the purposes Green Belt;

  • Solihull has an acute housing shortfall overall (2.14 years), including a substantial unmet need for self-build plots;

  • The development was sensitively designed, with strategic landscaping ensuring minimal long-term impact on the character of the area;

  • There were no highway safety or other technical constraints preventing development.

Planning Inspectorate’s Key Findings

The Inspector ruled that while the site is technically within the Green Belt, it did not contribute strongly to Green Belt purposes a), b), and d). Crucially, the lack of a five-year housing land supply (where the Council must allocate enough land for housing to meet medium-term demand) and an undersupply of self-build plots weighed heavily in our client's favour.

While concerns were raised over accessibility, the Inspector accepted that existing bus links and the proximity of services in nearby settlements - coupled with the small scale of the proposal - meant the scheme was acceptable.

A Positive Outcome for Sustainable Growth

This decision reinforces that ‘Grey Belt’ sites must be assessed on their individual merits and that addressing local housing shortages can provide the very special circumstances needed to justify development.

Speaking on behalf of Tyler Parkes, Senior Planning Consultant David Carter commented:

"We are delighted with this appeal decision, which will deliver small-scale and high-quality self-build opportunities. It is also likely to encourage similar projects that have been effectively prevented by the overly restrictive application of Green Belt policy. This case highlights the importance of a well-evidenced approach, particularly when tackling housing shortages in constrained areas."

Looking Ahead

This appeal decision demonstrates the critical role of strategic planning in unlocking housing opportunities. We are committed to helping clients navigate the ever more complex planning system to deliver sustainable and well-designed developments.




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