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Ready, Steady, Go – Kart!

John Baggott

Think you know what Go-Karting is? Think again!

We are extremely pleased to have secured planning permission for a completely new form of Go-Karting venture, BattleKart, on behalf of our client, Race & Play Karting Limited, at a former business premises in the North-East of England, in close proximity to the Gateshead Metro Centre.

BattleKart is an indoor electric karting concept which started in Belgium in 2015 and now has multiple locations across Western Europe, the Middle East and as far afield as Australia. However, we believe our client’s BattleKart venture in Gateshead will be the first to have been granted planning permission in the UK, which is a real feather in the cap!  

Participants of all ages (subject to a minimum height requirement) drive an electric kart on a track, which is dynamically video projected from the ceiling, with augmented reality technology providing an immersive video game environment. In short – it is like playing in a life-size video game!

This is our client’s first such venture, and we are delighted to have been able to play such a key role and successfully guide them through some of the complexities, and a few frustrations, of the planning system to secure planning permission, under delegated powers. We successfully managed to negotiate away some potentially onerous planning conditions through constructive dialogue with the Council. That wouldn’t have been possible without the assistance and positive approach of Gateshead Council Officers, in particular the Planning and Environmental Health Officers.

Our client is now taking bookings for this new venture and is aiming to be open in November. We wish our client every success, and hope that the people of the North-East make a beeline for what promises to be an exciting and immersive experience for all. Next time I find myself in that part of the World, I’ll certainly be paying a visit!



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