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Revised Edgbaston Reservoir Masterplan

TP Editorial Team

Birmingham City Council have spent the last couple of years working with representatives from the local community and existing water users on a revised draft masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for Edgbaston Reservoir. A draft masterplan first went out to consultation in May 2019 but it has now been revised to take into consideration the response to that formal consultation and the ongoing engagement with a Community Partnership Forum and existing clubs who use the facility.

The masterplan seeks to provide further guidance on the vision for, and delivery of, the Birmingham Development Plan (BDP) of 2017. The BDP identified Greater Icknield as an area for growth, and highlighted Icknield Port Loop and the Tower Ballroom Site as major opportunities, allocating them for a mix of innovative family housing, commercial, and community uses.

The public consultation on the draft masterplan closes on the 15 April 2022. The masterplan can be viewed Revised Edgbaston Reservoir Masterplan Consultation | Birmingham City Council



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