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Solihull Consults on its Backland Development Guide

TP Editorial Team

Solihull Council is seeking views on their Draft Solihull Residential Backland Development Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) by Friday the 19th of March 2021. The SPD will be a material consideration (i.e. a matter that should be taken into account) in determining planning applications, along with the guidance in their New Housing in Context SPD, which is being updated as part of the Solihull Local Plan Review.

The Draft SPD emphasises that not all backland sites will be suitable for development and there will be no presumption that such residential proposals constitute ‘sustainable’ development because they meet an identified housing need unless they also meet the design criteria outlined in the SPD.

The Draft SPD recognises the importance of backland development in the Borough and is intended to explain how backland and infill developments can be designed to protect and enhance existing residential areas. The guidance aims to implement the objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework 2019 (sections 11 and 12) and the National Design Guide 2019.

The guidance sets out illustrations of instances where backland development is likely to be regarded as unsuitable and highlights a series of key design principles and ‘Design Checklist’ that should be considered in the context of such proposals.

Please contact our Planning Team if you require further information on the consultation.



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