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100 Whitechapel Road

Tower Hamlets, London E1


Tyler Parkes was appointed to secure planning permission for the demolition of a single-storey former car dealership, and construction of a contemporary multi-storey replacement. The site, on Whitechapel Road, is a buzzing route through East London leading directly to the City.

Our role extended beyond preparation of the application, to bringing together and managing the consultant team.

​During the application period, we successfully negotiated with Tower Hamlets Council for a 6-9 storey mixed-use replacement. The proposal, designed by TP Bennett Architects, provides commercial space at ground level, and 131 'aparthotel' units on the upper storeys. The building is designed to give views of the bustling street and cityscape beyond, even from the long side elevation.

We avoided having the application determined at planning committee. Instead, planning permission was granted under delegated powers. We continue to work with the client to discharge planning conditions.


Tyler Parkes was appointed to secure planning permission for the demolition of a single-storey former car dealership, and construction of a contemporary...


Tower Hamlets, London E1


Hotel with commercial uses




TP Bennett Architects


Approved and construction underway

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