Crick Village Centre
Crick Village Centre, Northamptonshire
This project was for the erection of four detached dwellings and the provision of open space on former paddocks in Crick, Northamptonshire. The site is next to a Grade I listed Church and presented issues with Great Crested Newts and on-site archaeology.
The Council refused the scheme, contrary to an Officer recommendation for approval, on the belief the proposal involved the loss of an important open space, and had a negative impact on archaeological remains and the setting of the nearby Grade I listed Parish Church.
At appeal, the Planning Inspector agreed with us and considered that the proposal would create significant public benefits by improving the setting of the Grade I Listed church, providing the opportunity to improve biodiversity, and research, preserve and interpret the most significant archaeological remains on the site.
The process involved detailed and extensive discussions with the Council, the holding of a public consultation event with the community and liaison with the Parish Council, to whom the newly created public open space will be dedicated.
This project was for the erection of four detached dwellings and the provision of open space on former paddocks in Crick, Northamptonshire. The site is next to a...
Crick Village Centre, Northamptonshire
Permission granted