Rybrook Dealership Showroom
Hockley Heath, West Midlands

The Rybrook Specialist Cars dealership at Hockley Heath, selling McLaren and Rolls-Royce cars, is a striking and well-known feature in the streetscene in Hockley Heath. The site formerly hosted an unattractive dealership and petrol filling station. Vacant since 2006, it had become an eyesore in the village.
The site had been the subject of previous planning refusals, for the erection of sheltered flats in 2006 and 2007, and again in 2008 for the erection of a replacement car dealership, which was refused by Solihull Council’s Planning Committee on the grounds that the contemporary design proposed was inappropriate in this sensitive location, opposite the Wharf Tavern public house and next to the village war memorial, both Listed Buildings.
Tyler Parkes worked closely with AT Architects (the agents and project architects), and Council officers. We provided planning advice to address the refusal reason, with particular attention being paid to a different architectural approach using traditional features, but with a contemporary interpretation to ensure a sympathetic relationship with the nearby Listed Buildings and surroundings.
A revised planning application was submitted by AT Architects, supported by a detailed Planning Statement by Tyler Parkes, and this time planning permission was granted without issue.
The site was subsequently redeveloped, and the end result is there for all to see: a very successful blend of modern and contemporary architecture proposal which respects the local distinctiveness and character and has significantly enhanced the character of the village.
The Rybrook Specialist Cars dealership at Hockley Heath, selling McLaren and Rolls-Royce cars, is a striking and well-known feature in the streetscene in Hockley...
Hockley Heath, West Midlands
AT Architects Ltd.
Approved and construction completed